BioResponse DIM® offers significantly higher DIM absorption levels than generic DIM.
Diindolylmethane (DIM) is highly insoluble and is poorly absorbed in its crystalline form. This challenge was overcome when BioResponse Nutrients developed its proprietary Phytosorb delivery technology creating the only bioavailable, microencapsulated DIM for extended release and increased absorption.
More than 15 clinical studies have used the BioResponse DIM microencapsulated formulation and all demonstrated bioavailability, safety, and tolerability. BioResponse DIM (BR-DIM) provides an essential functional advantage.This graph shows the absorption results of a comparison of BioResponse DIM versus generic, crystalline DIM. A group of male and female volunteers demonstrated the clear advantage of BioResponse DIM over simple generic crystalline DIM using repeat blood sampling studies. Subjects took the same dose of DIM from BR-DIM or generic DIM on separate days providing timed blood samples. The results demonstrate a dramatic and statistically significant advantage of gastro-intestinal absorption of DIM from microencapsulated over generic DIM absorption. BioResponse DIM is the only DIM formulation that provides for superior and documented DIM absorption. This study compares equivalent mg doses of DIM in the microencapsulated product to a generic DIM capsule.
Microencapsulated BioResponse DIM displays much higher absorption, while the generic DIM shows little absorption at all.
BR-DIM® is the only DIM formulation shown to shift the estrogen metabolite ratio in clinical studies.
BioResponse DIM® is the only formulation with proven absorption. No studies have shown that black pepper works as an additive to generic DIM to significantly improve absorption. BR-DIM® is the only DIM formulation proven to achieve significantly enhanced absorption.
All published clinical studies have used the BioResponse proprietary DIM formulation. BioResponse DIM is the only DIM clinically tested in humans and is also the only DIM in clinical trials sponsored by the National Cancer Institute.
LEARN MORE: The Real Facts on Safety: I3C vs DIM…